Pierre Black

naturopath • wellness coach • change agent

3 JAPANESE CITRUS essential oils: Yuzu, Kabosu, Sudachi.

Exotic Japanese citrus for culinary use! My own distillations of local organic citrus fruits: Sudachi, Yuzu, Kabosu! Organic, food-grade, and from a single-tree and single-harvest from a 670-year-old temple site in southern Japan. SHOP NOW

Use These oils for cocktails, chocolate, ice cream, sweets and desserts and experience their unique and exotic flavour. Also fantastic in the bath or in your essential oil diffuser!

  • Kabosu 5 ml

  • Sudachi 5ml

  • Yuzu 5 ml

A few notes on these wonderful oils:

YUZU is Japan's quintessential citrus specialty fruit used as you would a lemon but with a distinctive lemon- tangerine flavor and aroma. There are two individual distillations of Yuzu, the Gold and the Zen One Premium. Both are excellent but the Zen One Premium is from a very old tree and has an unusual deep warm and resinous aroma reminiscent of blood orange.

SUDACHI is a small sour citrus fruit indigenous to Japan with a beautiful bright clear lemon aroma reminiscent of the best Italian tree-ripened lemons.

KABOSU is a regional Citrus specialty used like lime but with a prominent grapefruit aroma. The essential oil is an unexpected Delight in that it has a background scent and flavour of ripe pears! SHOP NOW

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